Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rotorua II

We visited two thermal areas on our trip to Rotorua. First was part of the Te Puia village that we covered in the last post. The highlight here was the Prince of Wales Feather Geyser (apparently it looks like the feather on the Prince of Wales coat of arms. Couple of photos (take note of the picture of Dana, she has a huge smile on her face because she's sitting on a 'natural' seat warmer):

Wai-o-Tapu Thermal Wonderland bills itself as the New Zealand’s most colorful thermal park. True to its word, there are plenty of bright reds, neon green, yellows to see in the park. Walking around the park there is ominous steam coming from the earth all over the place and plenty of craters with boiling water. No thermal wonderland would be complete without a geyser and mud pool, and Wai-o-Tapu had these as well. The pictures are worth a thousand words, so I’ll let them tell the story.


  1. These photos are amazing! Was the water really that green? I find this all very fascinating. Love the mud bubbling!
