Friday, September 30, 2011


After the encounter with the Rainbow Lorikeet, we turned around on the elevated platform and saw this Cassowary watching us with curiosity from below:
Did this guy sneak out of Jurassic Park or something? With the beady eyes, pointed beak and peaked dome on the top of his head, he looks sneaky and dangerous. And they can be if provoked (although they are typically shy birds). If the Cassowary feels threatened they can attack with their huge claws and inflict major damage. Check out these:

The Cassowary is native to the rainforests of Northeast Australia and Papa New Guinea. It is one of the largest birds in the world alongside the Emu and Ostrich. They are known as the ‘rainforest gardeners’ as they are essential to the rainforest ecosystem by spreading plant seeds.

As they are vital to the rainforest, the Australians have signs everywhere warning you to be on the lookout for the Cassowary. Apparently they get hit by cars often while trying to cross the road.

1 comment:

  1. What an ugly bird! I have seen them before. What's with that thing on top of their head? Looks like it could do some real damage. Really enjoying your stay in NZ Eric & Dana. I'm getting to see some beautiful and interesting sites. I've been to Australia though but not up by the barrier. We were down in Melbourne area. You'll have to go see the Fairy Penguins. They are very interesting. Also haven't seen any photos of my favorite echidnas yet!
