Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hawaiian Churches

You can tell a lot about a place's history and character by its churches. Italy has large, ornate churches. New Zealand has many tiny classic rural churches that fit in with the country’s farming roots. Hawaii’s churches stand out for me with the amazing natural settings that surround them.
The Waioli Huiia Church in the town of Hanalei on Kauai:

The Painted Church – St. Benedict’s in South Kona on the Big Island:

Keane Congressional Church along the Hana Highway in Maui. Built in 1856 and the only building in the area to survive a tsunami on April 1, 1946:

Lahuiokalani Kaanapali Congregational Church. Built in 1859:


  1. Eric, I'm partial to churches for some reason, perhaps the architectural lines? I have a file on just churches. Some of these remind me of small churches I have seen in the mountains of NH and on the RI coast.

    What is the deal with the person with all the beads?

  2. It is a statue with rosary beads made out of shells. A couple more and the statue might fall over..
